Adam Shomsky again captures a whole lot of tricks in Slow-motion. Unfortunately, Ryan passed away recently, but Adam has created a really excellent tribute to him here. You can see Ryan’s style, and especially his technique, as he performs a ton of flip tricks, grinds and slides. Rest in peace, Ryan. I hope some folks can learn something from your movements in life captured here.
OMG The variety!
OMG The variety!
Have you ever wanted to get into a hobby that you though was just too expensive? Well if you are anything like me and always looking for a great deal but don’t want to sacrifice quality, just because its a great “deal”. I recommend you come and visit here, especially if you are a snowboarding junkie. They have awesome quality products at an affordable price. They also have brands that everybody are familiar with that are fantastic. Such brands as Electric sunglasses, not only do they look spectacular but they are also affordable. Now, if this brand is not your cup of tea how about some Dragon sunglasses? These sunglasses have more of a “normal” sunglasses look instead of a goggle look to them but have the same functionality. There is a vast variety within everything as well. Different colors and sizes which can meet just about anybodies needs.
Adam Shomsky captures and edits an excellent 720 double kickflip – courtesy youtube.

Trevor Jacob accomplished a world’s first yesterday when he did a cork double backflip at Woodward PA.
Courtesy of

Skating’s gotta be fun. It’s playing. That’s why learning it is so unlike learning other sports, with the drills, practice, lessons and other stuff that’s more a part of school than a sport. In skateboarding, trial and error is a big part of learning, but that doesn’t mean coaching can’t be part of it.
The “error” in trial-and-error style learning is actually the best mind training there is. As Daniel Coyne talks about in “The Talent Code,” making small errors and detecting them is actually the best type of rehearsal and practice a person can do – whether it’s for a sport, a musical instrument, or any activity. By detecting small mistakes safely and re-trying multiple attempts at a movement, we train our brains to do it effortlessly. That’s the secret behind muscle-memory and true mastery.
In skateboarding, we learn how to fall safely, out of necessity.
Starting Kids Out Skateboarding

If you’re looking to safely start your son or daughter out skateboarding, here are 5 tips to get you going in the right direction. While these are common-sense tips for most skateboarders, as a non-skateboarding parent you might not realize that you can easily make some common mistakes when getting your young skater started.
- Buy a real skateboard. You may think that to invest one-third or half of what skateshops charge for a complete skateboard is a good idea to start your son or daughter out skateboarding. Don’t do it! You could actually be messing them up. Toy skateboards from sporting goods stores have plastic wheels which are slippery and unpredictable, as well as plastic trucks that don’t turn as well. Even first-timers should have a real skateboard from a specialty shop.

Browsing the content from our coaches manual below, you’ll see that it’s easy to make the mistake of buying a “toy” skateboard at a big box store or sporting goods store. A new skater, especially those who are smaller in size, perhaps ages 4 through 8, can benefit from having a “real” skateboard, and one that’s sized-down. At a skateshop, you can find a “mini,” or a smaller skateboard for kids.
The biggest problem with the imitation skateboards you can find at non-skateshops, is that the trucks don’t turn as well as real skateboard trucks, and the bearings don’t spin as well. These two factors hinder the new skateboarder’s learning almost immediately, making it harder for them to learn how to turn the board. Kids on these “toys” will also form the bad habit of bracing against wheel that don’t roll freely, hindering their learning later, and promoting falls that could have been prevented had they been on a real skateboard from the beginning.
Snowboard Packages and Gnu
Why it’s a Good Choice to Spend Some Time to Look for the Right Snowboarding Packages
One of the ways that you could save a large amount of time and income when it comes to snowboarding is through the purchase of board package offers. Some businesses do offer package offers while others don’t. There’s no reason you can’t look for a snowboarding holiday offer that fits your winter holiday requirements.
Technine and Flow Snowboards
Many people love to take part in different types of activities outside. One of the most popular types of activities is snowboarding. People love to take part in snowboarding because it is a very thrilling and adventurous sport. People from all over the world enjoy the sport and many travel to various locations in order to take part in competitions and have fun. One of the most thrilling aspects of the sport is the ability to slide down mountains and use the snow to maneuver obstacles. However, in order to perform on these occasions, special equipment is sometimes needed.